Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Learning Arabic (foreign) language learning is different from the mother, therefore the basic principles of teaching must be different, both related methods (model of teaching), teaching material and process implementation. Mastery of skills in the field of Arabic include:

1. Listening skills (listening competence / mahaarah al-Istima ')
2. Speech (speaking competence / mahaarah al-kalaam)
3. The ability to read (reading competence / mahaarah al-qira'ah)
4. Writing skills (writing competence / mahaarah al - Kitaabah).

Every human child basically have the ability to master any language, although in different levels and encouragement. As for the differences between the goals of teaching is to be achieved, possessed basic skills, motivation exists within and interests as well as perseverance.

1. Destiny Teaching Learning the mother tongue (the default language) is the goal of life, namely as a communication tool to achieve what you want in life, hence the motivation for learning is very high. Meanwhile, learning foreign languages, such as Arabic (for non-Arabs), in general, have a purpose as a means of communication and knowledge (culture). However, a foreign language is not used as the language of daily life, therefore the motivation to learn Arabic lower than the mother tongue. Though the size of the motivation to learn Arabic influence the results to be achieved.

2.Ability base held when children learn their mother tongue, his mind is still clean and have not been influenced by other languages, so it tends to be successful quickly. Meanwhile, when studying Arabic, he had previously mastered his native language, either spoken, written, or the language of thinking. Therefore, learning Arabic is certainly more difficult and heavier, as he had to adjust the system into the mother tongue Arabic system, good sound system, grammar, sentence structure and language of systems thinking.

B. Learning Principles in Arabic (foreign)

There are five basic principles in foreign language teaching Arabic, which is the principle of priority in the presentation, and feedback correctly principle, the principle of gradual appreciation of the principles, as well as correlation and content;

a. The principle of priority

In learning Arabic, there are principles in the delivery of teaching materials priorities, namely: first, teach, listen, and speak before writing. Second, rooting sentence before teaching the word. Third, use words that are more familiar with everyday life before teaching the language according to speakers of Arabic.

1) To hear and speak first instead of writing.

This principle is set out from the assumption that language teaching is good teaching in accordance with the development of a natural language manusia2, that every child will initiate language development of hearing and notice later mimicked. It shows that the ability to hear / listen must first scouted, and then imitate speech ability, and other aspects such as reading and writing. There are several techniques to train hearing / ear, namely:

2) The teacher of foreign language (Arabic) words should be diverse, both in letter and in word. While the students to imitate in their hearts collectively.

3) The teacher of foreign language material then goes on letter sounds similar nature. For example: ه - ح - ء - ع س - ش, ز - ذ and so on.

4) Furthermore, the material forwarded to the system of sounds that are not present in the native language (in this case Indonesian,-edt) learners, such as: خ, ذ, ث, ص, ض, and so on. As in teaching pronunciation and imitation can take the following steps:

· Students are trained to recite the letters of the single most easy and familiar, and then trained with sign letters long and then trained more quickly and so trained to pronounce the words and phrases quickly. For example: بى, ب, با, بو and so on.

· Encourage learners when listening to the teaching process and pronounce letters or words to imitate intonation, how to stop, short term and long term.

5) Teach sentence before teaching the language

In teaching grammar, sentence structure should prioritize teaching / Nahwu, then the issue of the word / sharaf. In teaching sentences / number should a teacher give rote text / reading simple sentences containing correct arrangement.

Therefore, it should be an Arabic teacher can select sentences whose content is easily understood by students and contains the core sentence, not sentences long (if the sentence length should be in the cut - cut). Example: اشتريت سيارة صغيرة بيضاء مستعملة مصنوعة في اليا بان Then cut - cut into: اشتريت سيارة اشتريت سيارة صغيرة اشتريت سيارة صغيرة بيضاء And so on ..

b. Correctly Principle (الدقة) principle is applied when the material is being taught الأصوات (phonetic), التراكب (syntax), and المعانى (semiotic). The purpose of this principle is an Arabic teacher should not only be blamed on the students, but he also must be able to revise and familiarize the learners to critically on the following: First, correctly in teaching (phonetic). Second, correctly in teaching (syntax). Third, correctly in teaching (semiotic).

a.Correctly Teaching phonetics in teaching these skills through training aspects of hearing and speech. If learners are often recite the mother tongue, the teacher should emphasize training and listening pronounce Arabic letters that actually sounds continuously and focus on error didik5 participants.

b.Correctly in teaching syntax Note that the structure of sentences in each other in general there are many differences. correctly emphasis on the influence of the structure of the native language Arabic. For example, in the Indonesian language sentences will always start with a noun (subject), but the Arabic sentence may begin with a verb (فعل).

c. Correctly the semiotic In the Indonesian language teaching in general, every word has a meaning when the base is inserted in one sentence. However, in Arabic, most of the words have more than one meaning, better known as mustarak (one word many meanings) and mutaradif (same word different meanings). Therefore, Arabic language teachers should pay great attention to the problem. He must be able to provide the right solution for teaching the meaning of a phrase as clear instructions.

Tiered Principles (التدرج) If the views of nature, there are three categories of principles tiered,

Namely: first, the shift from the concrete to the abstract, from the global to the detail, from the known to the unknown. Secondly, there is a continuity between what was given before with what he would later teach. Third, there is an increase in the weight of the previous instruction with the second, a good amount of time and material.

a. Study Teaching Teaching vocabulary mufrodat should consider aspects of its use for students, which begins by giving a lot of vocabulary items used in everyday life and in the form of basic words. Furthermore, providing material conjunctions. This is done so that learners can construct a sentence perfectly that continues to grow and expand its capabilities.

b. Study Teaching Qowaid (morphemes) in teaching Qowaid, both Qowaid Nahwu and Qowaid Sharaf also have to consider its use in a conversation / everyday. In teaching Qawaid Nahwu example, must start with the material about perfect sentence (Number Mufiidah), but the details of the material presented is a way to teach about isim, ficil, and letters.

c. Stages of teaching the meaning (دلالة المعانى) In teaching the meaning of a sentence or word, an Arabic language teacher should start by choosing the most widely used words/sentence/ encountered in everyday life. Furthermore, straightforward meaning of the sentence before the meaning of the sentence containing the idiomatic meaning. Judging from the techniques of teaching materials in Arabic, its phases can be distinguished as follows: first, training through the hearing before by sight. Second, the training of oral / pronunciation before reading. Third, the collective before the individual assignment. Step-by-step application (الصلابة والمتا نة) There are eight steps necessary to succeed and above techniques can be implemented, namely:

1) Provide examples before giving the rules of grammar, as a good example will explain the grammar in depth than just grammar.

2) Do not give an example of just one sentence, but must consist of several examples of the differences and similarities of the text to be used as a comparative analysis for students.

3) Begin with examples of something that is in the classroom / media who have been there and allowed to use it.

4) Start the examples by using a verb that can be directly using the movement of the body.

5) When I teach adjectives should mention the words of the most widely used and complete with a partner. For example, black-white, round-square.

6) When teaching letters and their meanings jar, the jar should be selected letters of the most widely used and incorporated directly into the simplest sentences. Example Number ismiyyah: الكتاب في الصندوق, Sample number fi'iliyah: خرج الطاب من الفصل

7) It should not give examples that make learners to fumble for not complying with the conditions of their minds.

8) Students are given enough motivation to express themselves through writing, oral maybe even facial expressions, so that the They are directly involved with the teaching process is in progress.

C. Arabic Language Teaching Method

Ibn Khaldun said, "Actually it's teaching is a profession that requires knowledge, skill, and precision as he as well as skills that require training tips, strategy and patience, so as to be competent and professional." Application of teaching methods will not work effectively and efficiently as a medium of instruction when teachiereditary tradition, so the ability in the field it gives "confidence (prestige) among their own".

Modern methods of teaching Arabic language is a method of goal-oriented teaching language as a tool. That is, the Arabic language is seen as a means of communication in modern life, so that the core learning Arabic is the ability to use the language actively and able to understand the words / phrases in Arabic. Methods commonly used in teaching is a direct method (tariiqah al - mubasysyarah). The emergence of this method is based on the assumption that language is a living thing, and therefore continue to be communicated and trained as a child to learn a language.

1. Methods Qowa'id and tarjamah (Tariiqatul al Qowaid Wa Tarjamah)

The application of this method is more suitable if the goal of teaching the Arabic language is a culture, that is to know the value of high literature and to have the cognitive ability trained in memorizing texts and understand what is contained in the writings or textbooks, especially klasik11 Arabic books. Characteristics of this method are:

Learners are taught to read in detail and in-depth texts or texts written by thought leaders and experts in various fields of science in the past either sya'ir, manuscripts (prose), aphorisms (alhikam), as well as allusions (amtsal).

a. In-depth and detailed appreciation of the reading so that students have a sense of connectivity to the literary value contained in the passage. (Arabic - the language of the mother).

b. Focuses attention on the rules of grammar (Qowa'id Nahwu / Sharaf) to memorize and understand the reading.

c. Pays great attention to the key words in translating, as the proverb forms, synonyms, and ask students to analyze the grammatical rules that have been taught (capable of translating native languages ​​into Arabic)

D. Arabic Language Learning Approach

accordance with the above objectives, an effective learning approach includes four approaches, namely humanistic approach, communicative katif, contextual, and structural.

(1) a humanistic approach to see that learning requires active pemelajarnya Arabic, not the teachers. Pemelajarlah active learning and the teacher serves as a motivator, dinamisator, administrators, evaluators, dsb.Pengajar must utilize all potential learners.

(2) The communicative view that the primary function of language is this komunikasi.Hal teaching materials in Arabic means the material must be practical and pragmatic, which used teaching materials and learners can communicate orally and in writing. Not communicative teaching materials will be less effective and throwing away time.

(3) contextual approach see the language as a meaning in accordance with the needs of the learners and the setting. Here, the design of teaching materials should be based on the needs of the institution, needs learners today and in the future.

(4) The structural approach to see that learning a language as a formal matter. Therefore, the structure of the language (qawaid) must be addressed in designing teaching materials. But the structure in order to be functional and practical communicative.

Qawaid / grammar is not practical and not communicative in learning Arabic has failed to establish a skilled language learners, not only in Arabic but also in English.

2. The direct method (al Thariiqatu al Mubaasyarah)

The emphasis on this method is to practice continual conversation between teachers and learners to use Arabic without even using the mother tongue, whether in explaining the meaning of vocabulary words and to translate, (in this case takes the media). It should be the subject of revision here is that the direct method, Arabic was the language of instruction in teaching with an emphasis on the narrative aspect of the righteous (al - Nutqu al - Shahiih), therefore the application, this method requires the following;

1) in the early stages of teaching materials in the form of oral practice (syafawiyah)

2) Material followed by exercises tells in simple words, both nouns (isim) or a verb (ficil) are frequently heard by learners.

3) Material followed by narrative practice simple sentences using a sentence that is an activity students everyday.

4) Learners are given the opportunity to practice in a way questioning the teacher / neighbor.

5) Qiro'ah material must be accompanied by a discussion with the Arabic language, either in explaining the meaning contained in the reading materials or office every word in a sentence.

6) The material taught grammar teaching on the sidelines, but not in detail.

7) Creative writing exercises taught to write simple sentences that have been known / taught to students.

8) During the teaching process should be assisted with props / media appropriate. Closing In closing, the flow of this paper emphasizes the importance of: A teacher (educator) should understand the principles - principles of teaching Arabic as a foreign language above using methods that facilitate students and not much force learners towards language stagnation. As for for the students, that learning any language, all of which require a process, a lot of practice and a lot of tries.
1) in the early stages of teaching materials in the form of oral practice (syafawiyah)

2) Material followed by exercises tells in simple words, both nouns (isim) or a verb (ficil) are frequently heard by learners.

3) Material followed by narrative practice simple sentences using a sentence that is an activity students everyday.

4) Learners are given the opportunity to practice in a way questioning the teacher / neighbor.

5) Qiro'ah material must be accompanied by a discussion with the Arabic language, either in explaining the meaning contained in the reading materials or office every word in a sentence.

6) The material taught grammar teaching on the sidelines, but not in detail.

7) Creative writing exercises taught to write simple sentences that have been known / taught to students.

8) During the teaching process should be assisted with props / media appropriate. Closing In closing, the flow of this paper emphasizes the importance of: A teacher (educator) should understand the principles - principles of teaching Arabic as a foreign language above using methods that facilitate students and not much force learners towards language stagnation. As for for the students, that learning any language, all of which require a process, a lot of practice and a lot of tries.

3. Eclectic method (tariqah al-intiqaiyyah)

Learning approach above requires proper teaching methods. Right choice is an eclectic method, the combined method that takes the positive aspects of both language skills and knowledge, so as to achieve destiny and learning outcomes are maximized. The method includes a method referred eclectic conversation, reading, exercise, and tasks.

The design of teaching materials and designs are as follows:

1. Arabic Language Teaching Materials

If we observe a language teaching materials consist of (1) the topic of teaching materials and (2) describes the design of a learning activity.

Topics Arabic teaching materials is an effective communicative topics and themes about everyday contextual, religious, science, and culture.

2. Learning include it's design:

(1) Listening and Speaking Skills (Istima'-Kalam)

(A) Text Conversation communicative and contextual
(B) Mufradat
(C) Tadribat (Training)

- Ajril Hiwar fil mithal kama (Percakapkanlah as. Example)
- Hawwil kama fil mithal (Change the as. Example)
- Baddil kama fil mithal (replace as. Example)

(D) Al'ab lughowiyah (language game)
(E) Mandatory (Tasks)

(2) Reading and Writing Skills (Qira'ah-kitabah)

(A) Text reading communicative, pragmatic, and contextual
(B) Mufradat
(C) Examples of text that structural, communicative and contextual
(D) An explanation and conclusion (by learners or teachers)
(E) Exercise Reading

- Please read all the lines end up sounding
- Translate the text into Indonesian reading standards
- Mention the types of words that are underlined
- Describe the changes in the final line in the word is underlined
- Explain i'rab words that are underlined and the reason (after learners learn a number of teaching materials that drove him to this direction)

(F) Mandatory (Tasks)

E. Lesson

In order to achieve effective learning Arabic and maximum, educational institutions must perform two activities: (1) teaching, learning, and (2) language acquisition, language acquisition. Learning to form a formal language skills, while the acquisition formed in non-formal language usage. Both methods require faculty and staff to prepare the lesson plan (RPP) quality, the study measured and controlled, and the commitment of all related components.

Interest and motivation of learners / students will grow if the material is designed with good teaching and professional teaching force. Power should not be pe-teach before teaching debriefing desired by the institution's commitment. Because students' skills in language and knowledgeable lie down language related to the skills of the lawyers after him.

In this way, by teaching institutions who wish to establish its outcome quality and have characteristics that look different from the others.

F. Inonasi Learning Arabic

The presence and rapid technological developments have led to the dramatic changes in all aspects of life, including education. The presence of technology does not give choice to the world of education in addition to participating in use. Because in essence, technology is the solution to the various problems of education today. Sophistication, accuracy and speed in delivering an information technology makes important positions in various fields, including education. The use of technology in learning is expected to enhance the quality of learning and expanding education and learning because technology has made knowledge more accessible, published and stored. Besides the use of technology is also expected to reduce the cost of education, as well as contributing to the efforts integrity of science.

Currently, the education system that does not utilize the technology will become outdated and lose credibility. However, on the other hand there is also a suggestion that this situation caused by the conspiracy that led to the world's dependence on technology education. Second opinion was not to be debated because it has its own validity of each perspective. Indeed, that should be of concern is how the impact of technology on the education system, especially the learning system, and how the use of technology in learning strategies. Because the technology is already running anyway and are very unlikely to be dammed. In an effort to achieve this, of course, necessary strategic steps in order to obtain optimal results.

For anyone who is doing the learning of foreign languages ​​at the moment, with all its attributes, a technology that can not be avoided anymore. Various possibilities offered by technology to improve the quality of learning a foreign language. Among these are a means of enhancing and developing professional skills of teachers, as a learning resource for learning, as a tool for learning interaction, and as a tool of learning.

Cultural change as a result of learning a foreign language is very dependent on the use of technology in the various components of the learning support system. There are several things that make the technology less likely to get a place in the culture of learning foreign languages ​​in several educational institutions. The most important factor because teachers as one of the most important components play a role in these changes. does not have sufficient skill in this field. Therefore, current teachers are required to have the ability to be creative and innovative as well as insights about the change. In addition, teachers are also required to have the technical skills of technology in order to make operational changes, and a positive attitude toward technology and changes.

In addition to teachers, learners also need to be prepared, as well as the administrators of learning, because no changes are isolatif and under vacuum conditions. Thus, learning the cultural change caused by the use of technology is not just for a handful of people, or just one or two components, but applies to all orders learning system, the education system even in an educational institution in general. Consequently, the impact and results of changing the culture of learning foreign languages ​​also belong to all those who contributed in it.

The use of technology in learning foreign languages ​​has unwittingly changing academic conditions that run along. With this technology the conditions that are closed and has been a tradition passed down from generation to generation to be eliminated or even disappear and replace by conditions that are transparent, open, and the ongoing process of learning evaluation.

G. IT-Based Learning Arabic

Today, the development of information technology and multimedia very rapidly. Cyberspace is not foreign, and has even become a trend that could no longer be part of the inevitable everyday life, especially for modern societies. In an effort to the integration of technology (internet) and education (language learning), this short article will give you information on how to take advantage of learning the Arabic language Internet media. Among them how to learn Arabic grammar, and how to increase the ability to read and understand, listening, speaking, and writing.

1. Learning Arabic Grammar

To learn Arabic grammar, it's been a lot of sites that specifically show online Arabic learning materials both in Indonesian, Arabic, and English. Among the sites that you can visit include:,,,,,, http://www / freebooks / afghani / index.htm,,,,, and so on.

You also can download some electronic book learning Arabic in (e-Book Maad Lughoh), in or (e- Book al-Mujaz qawa'id al-Lughah fi al-'Arabiyyah) or can also download some of the materials in the form of the grammar file had the extension doc or pdf in and so on.

2. Improve Reading Ability and Understanding

To support the increase in the ability to read and understand, the internet provides reading materials that can be downloaded for free as well as free and are displayed online. Or you can also visit the online Arab media as,,, http:/ /, etc..

Meanwhile, to broaden your vocabulary of scientific terms can also visit scientific institutions in By visiting this site, you will be connected links to several agencies in the Arab, especially the institutions of social science research.

To facilitate the search site addresses in Arabic in a variety of fields, you can also use the program al-Internet Evidence issued by that you can download free of charge at the address

3. Improve Hearing Capabilities

To practice this a few sites that can be visited include (to listen to a few songs, poems, speeches, and conversations in Arabic), http://www. (To listen to poetry readings), (to listen to), ( to listen to the speech), and many others.

4. Improve Speech

To support the ability to speak in Arabic, presents some internet sites that contain materials in Arabic conversation online, on sites like Or you can also practice directly through the mIRC chat room or Yahoo Messenger. If you are using mIRC, consequently you should use Latin transliteration in Arabic said, because most of us do not give the cafe around the facility Arabic. Like if you say hello, you can type the word: Kaifa Haluk? (Formal language), Izayyak? (Formal language). If you use Yahoo Messenger, you can deal directly with utilizing Call facility as well as chatting on mIRC.

5. Improving Writing Ability

Honing writing skills by leveraging Internet technology to do with how much reading the news and papers presented in Arabic-language websites and then imitate the structure and style / style that is used to do some modifications to the sentence. The application can be done via e-mail facility. The trick, make your letter in Arabic in Microsoft Word or the like, and send by using the attachment via e-mail. You can send to several leading Arab writers that includes e-mail addresses on Arab websites, such thinkers, writers, journalists, religious leaders and others. Or your chat friends who were there. Write the letters regularly, and never despair if your mail was not returned.

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